Motion Analysis 2D



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Importing Videos

Known supported video formats: mp4, avi, mkv

Batch Processing: Enables running automatic motion analysis of consecutive video files.

Video Adjustment


When opening video files, orientation might differ.

Lens Distortion:

Perspective Correction and Scale:

Preparation for Motion Analysis

Once a valid video file is opened, buttons for trackers, angles, and distances will be enabled.


Tracking algorithms: CSRT is set as default. Median Flow, KCF, Boosting, MOSSE, MIL are other available options. Please check other documentation on specificities of each tracker. Making the tracking point static is also an option.


  1. The first click will define which tracking point will be the vertex used to calculate the angle.
  2. Defines the first line.
  3. Should be placed in the coinciding* vertex.
  4. Defines the second line.

*Vertexes do not necessarily need to coincide. Calculating angles between two disconnected lines is also possible.




Running Motion Analysis

Once trackers are placed, click the button to enable automatic motion tracking T using the defined algorithms.

Data Plots:

Saving and Exporting Data

The software will create a temporary .json file within the folder where the analysed video is located. This file is used by the program as a log.

Edit > Shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+S: Lists all keyboard shortcuts.

Edit > Visual Preferences Ctrl+Shift+P: Allows for editing default colours of items and width of visible lines.